Corporate Governance
(a) Chairman - VACANT
(b) Mr Doumeraj JAHAJEEAH - Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities
(c) Mrs Sarita MEEHEELAUL- Representative of the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change
(d) Mr Hemnish URDHIN - Representative of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
(e) Mr Kevin RAMKALOAN - Representative of the Joint Economic Council (now Business Mauritius)
(f) Representative of the University of Mauritius - VACANT
(g) Representative having wide experience in the field of energy sector, engineering & finance and management - VACANT
(h) Representative having wide experience in the field of energy sector, engineering & finance and management - VACANT
(i) Representative of non-governmental organisations having as object the promotion of renewable energy - VACANT
(j) Representative of non-governmental organisations having as object the promotion of renewable energy - VACANT
(k) Member of the National Assembly - VACANT
(l) Member of the National Assembly - VACANT
(m) Member of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly - VACANT
(n) Member of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly - VACANT
Mr Dakshaye RUTNAH - Ag. Secretary to the Board
Annual Reports
Annual Reports
26 DEC 2015- 30 JUN 2017 (click to open)
01 JULY 2017- 30 JUN 2018 (click to open)
Terms of Reference
To review the Agency’s financial policies, strategies and take such actions and make such reports and recommendations to the Board as it deems advisable;
To examine Bid Evaluation Reports in respects of bids whose value exceeds Rs 1M and make recommendations to the Board for award;
To recommend for approval to the Board expenditures exceeding the financial authority of the CEO;
To examine the Agency’s Budgets, Cash Flow Statements, Management Accounts and Financial Statements and to make recommendations to the Board; and
To execute such other functions as may be referred to it from time to time by the Board.
Composition of Finance Committee:
3 Board Members, CEO, Finance Officer and Board Secretary
Quorum: 2 Board Members
Frequency of Meetings: As required.
Terms of Reference
Receive and endorse the development and implementation of:
a human resources strategy to support the Agency’s Strategic Plan with due consideration to equality and diversity;
performance measures and benchmarking for the management of human resources;
human resources and employment policies which meet relevant conditions (e.g. PRB) as well as legislative, “best practice” and strategic objectives, and which support effective staff development and reward arrangements aligned to the needs of the Agency;
effective policies and procedures which provide appropriately for superannuation, pension or retirement benefits for all employees of the Agency;
policies and procedures which provide for effective management of matters such as grievances and complaints, conflict of interest and public interest disclosure;
a clear and effective internal communications strategy, in relation to all areas of human resource management, including health and safety;
Address Safety and Health issues such as policies and standards;
Consider and make recommendations to Board on any other matters delegated to the Committee by the Board.
Composition of Staff Committee:
3 Board Members, CEO, Administrative Officer (Board Secretary)
Quorum: 2 Board Members
Frequency of Meetings: As required
Terms of Reference
To assist the Board in relation to specific matters pertaining to financial reporting process, internal controls, internal audit function, external audit, risk governance, risk frameworks, risk management practices and policies.
To ensure that the Board fulfills its legal, ethical and functional responsibilities through adequate governance policy development.
To assist the Board in promoting good governance practices and to ensure that disclosures are made in the Annual Report in compliance with the disclosure provisions in the Code of Corporate Governance.
Composition of Audit & Risk Committee:
3 Board Members, Finance Officer, Administrative Officer (Board Secretary)
CEO (in attendance)
Quorum: 2 Board Members
Frequency of Meetings: As required.