Institutional Landscape
The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities (MEPU) is responsible for the policy and strategy elaboration for the electricity sector.
What RoM seeks to achieve when procuring power can be summarised as follows:
an adequate and reliable electricity supply;
that is competitively priced;
that is available to all;
that is environmentally sustainable, and
promotes socio and economic development.
The electricity sector is regulated by the Electricity Act 1939 and related regulations as amended with time.
Electricity services such as generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity will be governed by Electricity Act 2005 which is yet to be proclaimed.
CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD ACT 1963 w.e.f. 25th January 1964
Utility Regulatory Authority (URA)
The Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) Act was passed in 2004 and the Utility Regulatory (Amendment) Act in 2008, and both Acts were proclaimed in 2008.
The URA was set-up in 2016 in accordance with the Utility Regulatory Act 2004. It is not fully operational.
Objectives of the Utility Regulatory Authority
ensure the sustainability and viability of utility services;
protect the interests of both existing and future customers;
promote efficiency in both operations and capital investments in respect of utility services; and
promote competition to prevent unfair and anti-competitive practices in the utility services industry.
Central Electricity Board (CEB)
The Central Electricity Board, body corporate, was set-up in 1964 from the merger of small electricity companies.
Under the Central Electricity Board Act of 1963, proclaimed w.e.f. 25 January 1964, CEB is responsible for the control and development of the electricity supplies generally in Mauritius.
Duties of the Board
(1) The functions and duties of the Board are -
(a) to prepare and carry out development schemes with the general object of promoting, coordinating and, improving the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity for all purposes throughout Mauritius as required;
(b) to provide for new generating stations;
(c) to exercise or perform any other functions and duties committed to or imposed upon it by this Act; or under any other enactment.
(d) to collect such fees on behalf of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation or such other body as may be approved by the Minister.
(2) The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, set up such companies under the Companies Act for –
(a) the implementation of projects relating to the production of electricity from renewable energy sources;
(b) the use of its network for the development of projects of national interest; or
(c) the implementation of such other projects as the Board may determine.
(3) A company set up under subsection (2) shall be an exempt organization within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act.
Amended by [Act No. 56 of 1984]; [Act No. 26 of 1992]; [Act No. 13 of 2013]; [Act No. 18 of 2016]
Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA)
The MARENA, body corporate, was set following the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency Act 2015.
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Energy Efficiency Management Office (EEMO)
The Energy Efficiency Act of 2011 which sets up the Energy Efficiency Management Office (EEMO) has yet to establish guidelines regarding demand-side management of electricity.