MARENA Projects
The Agency is currently benefiting from major international consultancy projects in an endeavour to become fully operational and empowered and achieve its goals. Examples of projects are:
1. The UNDP Green Climate Fund (GCF) “Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius” project. Phase 1 of the project for the period 2017-2019 provides for a grant of USD 1.1M for the “Institutional strengthening for renewable energy” in Mauritius.
2. The SADC-PPDF funding for ‘Development of Guidelines and Standards for RE Projects and Incentive Strategy in Mauritius’ up to the tune of USD 0.5M.
For the Project Brief on the above two consultancies, please click here.
For Request for Proposals (RfP) calls under the above Consultancies, please visit the Procurement page.
(Low Carbon Economy Project- Component 1)
Mr Satyajeet RAMCHURN- Head of Environment Unit, UNDP
Mr Shakil BEEDASSY- Project Coordinator
Ms Kamini BEEDASEE- Project Coordinator Assistant
Ms Vichittra PURDASSEE - Project Manager
Ms Ayesha AUMEERUDDY- Project Manager Assistant
More Information about the project can be found at