Application for Procurement and Supply Officer
The Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA), operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities, is inviting applications from qualified candidates for the following position:
• Procurement and Supply Officer on contract basis for two years
A. A Cambridge Higher School Certificate with a pass at Principal Level in Accounting or Mathematics or Passes in at least two subjects, including Accounting or Mathematics obtained on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced Level’.
B. A Certificate in Procurement and Supply Management or Purchasing and Supply Management from a recognised institution.
Equivalent qualifications to A and B above acceptable to the Board.
C. Candidates should –
(i) possess good organisation skills;
(ii) possess good communication and interpersonal skills and have a positive working attitude; and
(iii) be computer literate.
Candidates should possess written evidence of experience/knowledge claimed.
Salary : Rs 24475
Mode of Application:
The Scheme of Duty together with the prescribed online application form is available below.
ONLY Online Application will be accepted.
Deadline for application: 20 June 2024
Date of Advertisement: 06 June 2024
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To advise the Chief Executive Officer on matters relating to procurement and supply management.
2. To perform procurement and maintain updated records of transactions in compliance with the provisions laid down in the Financial Management Kit and regulations made under the Public Procurement Act 2006 and other regulations in force, as appropriate.
3. To flag non-compliance and misinterpretation of existing rules and regulations to the Chief Executive Officer/Accounting Officer.
4. To carry out and/or to assist the Chief Executive Officer in, the appraisal and review of organisational set up, systems and procedures related to procurement in the MARENA and make necessary recommendations.
5. To carry out procurement and supply, warehouse and stock control operations.
6. To assist:
(i) in formulating proposals to review procurement procedures for consideration by the Procurement Policy Office;
(ii) officers in the technical department to set up bid documents and advise on procurement procedures as well as in evaluating bids and award of contract;
(iii) officers in other departments on best procurement practices and vetting of prepared bid documents in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2006; and
(vi) in the processing of audit queries related to procurement and supply issues.
7. To provide guidance and on-the-job training to subordinate staff in all aspects of their work.
8. To implement, manage and operate e-procurement and inventory management systems.
9. To organise and attend meetings, committees and Board, as and when required.
10. To use ICT in the performance of his duties.
11. To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Procurement and Supply Officer in the roles ascribed to him.
In case of a force majeure/public emergency, the Procurement and Supply Officer will be required to be available to provide his services to ensure business continuity either through work from home, remote working, working online or work performed through any other IT system.