Expression of Interest (EOI)
Expression of Interest SC/EOI/M2021/010 for Provision of Consultancy Services required for conducting a FEASIBILITY STUDY OF OCEAN RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS
The Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) is inviting interested consultancy firms for conducting a feasibility study of ocean renewable energy technologies in the Republic of Mauritius which should include an in-depth techno-economic analysis of the potential of:
Offshore wind
Wave energy
Tidal energy
in the maritime zone of Mauritius.
Please click here to download the EOI under the contract number SC/EOI/M2021/010.
The Expression of Interest should be addressed to The Chief Executive Officer, Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency in a sealed envelope along with a soft copy of the EOI and relevant documents stored in a readable Compact Disk (CD) and deposited in the tender box located at the MARENA’s office, Level 1, Coastal Shed B, Port Louis Waterfront, Port Louis, 11320, Mauritius or by e-mail at on/or before Friday 8 October 2021 up to 14.00hrs (Mauritian Time) at latest.
Late submissions will not be considered.
The EOI proposals received will be opened on Friday 8 October 2021 at the Boardroom of MARENA, Level 1, Coastal Shed B, Port Louis Waterfront, Port Louis, 11320, Mauritius as from 14.15hrs (Mauritian Time).
The MARENA reserves the right not to make any award or to accept or reject any EOI application following this advertisement.
All costs associated with the preparation of the EOI will be borne by the applicant.
The Applicants are encouraged to submit any other additional information they deem necessary for a feasibility study of ocean renewable energy technologies in the Republic of Mauritius.
The final award may be split among different consultancy firms.